IELTS Speaking Questions & Best Answers

What is your full name?
Answer: My family name is Gountit, and my parents decided to give me the first name of my grandfather, Mustapha. I am comfortable with you calling my Mustapha.

Can I see your ID?
Answer: Sure, you are welcome to view my identification. Would you like my passport or some other form of identification?

Where are you from?
Answer: Many people have heard of my country, Libya, but they are probably not exactly sure where it is located. I am specifically from a city called Tripoli, which is actually quite beautiful in North Africa.

Tell me about the country you are from.
Answer: Currently, Libya is a war torn country and this is what most people think of when Libya is mentioned. However, the country has beautiful oceans, mountains, and deserts. We have influences from Europe, The Middle East, and of course Africa.

Do you like it?
Answer: Who doesn’t like their home? Yes Libya has its problems, but it is the home, which I love very much.

Do you like the weather there?
Answer: Of course. Who doesn’t enjoy Mediterranean weather? Yes it does get hot, but I can enjoy the outdoors year round in my country.

Is that kind of weather suitable for children?
Answer: Absolutely! Children are able to play outside year round and as we are not an over populate country, we have a good environment.

Do you work or study?
Answer: Last year I had a job for a major company; however, now I am a student learning English at , and after I plan to learn at a good university.

What subject are you studying?
Answer: As I previously stated, I am learning English at this time, but after finishing this subject, I plan to obtain my masters in genetic engineering.

Why do you think people would choose such a subject in your country?
Answer: Basically, I am one of the few individuals in my country studying genetic engineering. Even though it is not popular in my country, I believe that it is critical for the future.

Who is more important for the education process, teachers or students?
Answer: This is a challenging question to answer. After taking a moment to consider it, I think that students have to be considered more critical because it is our education and we are ultimately responsible for our education.

Tell me about your house.
Answer: I am going to assume that you speak of my current living situation. I presently reside in a two bedroom apartment on the 10th floor of an apartment building located in northwest Denver, Colorado.

Which room is your favorite?
Answer: Without question my bedroom is the place I enjoy most because I have a roommate, and my bedroom offers peace and quiet which is the optimum studying environment.

How long have you been living in this house?
Answer: As I stated earlier, I live in an apartment, not a house, and I have resided in this apartment for approximately 2 years.

Do you prefer to have many friends or one very good friend? Why?
Answer: Wow, that question actually depends on the situation. If there is a sports event on television, then I enjoy several friends over my house. However, for deep conversation, one individual is best.

How old are you?
Answer: Most people look at me and assume that I am a very young man. They would never guess that I am 30 years old, and turn 31 next month.

Are you married?
Answer: Unlike most citizens from my country, I am not bonded to a woman at this time in my life. Yet, I plan to find a lovely bride after I complete my education, when I have time to dedicate to a marriage and family.

Do you come from a big family or a small family?
Answer: According to Libyan standards, I come from a small country since I only have a brother and sister. Many families in my country have 5 to 6 siblings, but I think we reflect our modern times.

Which season do you like? Why?
Answer: There are many seasons that bring me joy, but I would have to see that nothing makes me smile more than spring time. When spring comes, life is renewed, and this renewal teaches me many life lessons.

How many seasons are there in your country?
Answer: In my country we really don’t have a winter as compared to states like Colorado. However, if you asked men and women in Libya, they would probably say we have two real seasons.

What changes do you see between seasons?
Answer: As in most countries, you can witness the changes in the trees, and drops and rises in temperature.

Do you like to live in a place with one season or different seasons?
Answer: After living in Colorado for a while now, I have come to appreciate the value of 4 seasons. Four seasons allows us to see and experience all aspects of human life, and I am a student of life more than anything else.

What do you do in different seasons?
Answer: During the winter, I have come to enjoy hiking in the mountains. While the summer months often encourage me to find a good BBQ, the Spring time is when I travel around the state because there is so much change happening.

What do you think about public holidays in your country?
Answer: We do not have many public holidays as you do here in the USA. In the USA, it seems that there is a public holiday every other week. I think that these holidays are valuable to get a break from the daily grind.

Do you think there should be fewer public holidays in your country? Why?
Answer: Who wants fewer holidays? I want more public holidays because life is too short and we need to have time to connect with ourselves and family.

What activities do you like to do at weekends?
Answer: When it comes to the weekend, I like nothing more than spending time at Washington Park. At this place, I can go for long walks, sit on the lake, or even engage in various sporting activities.

Who is normally there with you?
Answer: Mostly, I enjoy the park with my friends that attend my school. We normally have the stress and enjoy similar activities.

Do you mostly spend weekends on study or leisure?
Answer: I would say that it is about 50/50 (fifty fifty). Getting pleasure on the weekend is vital for me, so that I am recharged to engage the upcoming week of studying.


Do you travel a lot?
Answer: Not as much as I want to! Seeing new countries and experiencing new cultures are a passion of mine, so I travel at every given opportunity.

How do you usually travel, by bus or by taxi? Why?
Answer: Unlike most people I know, I despise driving in cars because they are cramped and harmful to the environment. I promote using public transportation, so I definitely prefer the bus.

Is it easily available around your area?
Answer: In Denver Colorado, the bus system is available everywhere. More importantly, it is cheap and efficient, which increases its attraction to use.

What part of your country would you recommend to visit? Why?
Answer: If a friend or colleague desired to travel to Libya, I would encourage them to go visit may of the beautiful ancient ruins that most travelers are unaware that we have.

Do you like to write emails?
Answer: I love writing emails because they keep a very good record of the communication. Emails afford the ability to recall what was actually said, and this eliminates confusion.

Do you prefer to receive a phone call or an email?
Answer: While I do enjoy emails, I would have to say I like a phone call better. With a phone call the response is instant and allows me to move forward without having to wait hours for a response.

What type of emails do you receive mostly?
Answer: Definitely, I am sent business related emails from colleagues other industry professionals. Many of these people are located in other countries, so email is valuable.

What type of email is hard to write for you? Why?
Answer: A business email is the most challenging because I have to ensure that my grammar is perfect, and my vocabulary word choice is correct.

How important is it to help others? Why?
Answer: Providing aid to citizens in need is in my opinion the best action one person can do for another. I believe in philanthropy, and hope to start my own non-profit to assist others.

Did your parents teach you to help others?
Answer: My mother and father ingrained charity in all of our family. On a regular basis, we volunteered our time to help the poor with food and our time.

When was the last time you received help?
Answer: Shoot……..two days ago I got a helping hand from my friend. I was struggling with how to prepare a research paper, and she walked me through it step by step.

Do you exercise regularly?
Answer: I find that as my life becomes stressful, nothing is more helpful than exercise, so in light of this recognition, I try to workout 3 to 4 times per week, minimum.

How often do you do it?
Answer: Well………as I just said, 3 to 4 times per week. However, let me add that, given the opportunity, I would probably hit the gym 5 times a week.

What are the pros and cons of it?
Answer: I can’t really think of any drawback other than possible injury. Of course the advantages include stress relief, better general health, and having a good looking body.

What is the major benefit of it?
Answer: For me personally, the most significant positive from exercise is waking up in the morning and feeling the ease in which I am able to start my day as a direct result of my workout.

Answer These Questions Below in the Comments

  1. How many hours do you sleep a day? 
  2. How was your sleep when you were young? 
  3. Do you like reading?
  4. Do you usually read before going to sleep? Why? 
  5. What do you prefer, to send text messages or to phone people? Why? 
  6. What is the importance of email in today’s world? Why?
  7. What is the importance of fruits and vegetables in our diet?
  8.  Is it easy to buy really fresh fruits and vegetables nowadays? 
  9. Do you like reading?
  10. What type of books do you like to read? 
  11. Can you remember a book that you read in your childhood? 
  12. Did you like it? Why?
  13. Do you like giving books to youngsters?

Let’s talk about advertisements. 

  1. Do you watch advertisements on TV or the Internet? 
  2. Do you enjoy watching advertisements showing up in the middle of a TV program? - 
  3. Do you like watching advertisements on the street?
  4. Let’s talk about fashion. - Do you like fashionable things?
  5. Do you dress differently on weekends and weekdays?
  6. What is your favourite colour? Why? - Do you think it will change as you grow older?
  7. Let’s talk about body language. - Do people use body language?

  • Can we communicate without words?
    1. Is there a particular form of body language that you find offensive?
    2. Do impatient people get their way?
    3. Is it possible to be too nice? 
    4. Are you good at timekeeping? 
    5. How do you manage your time? 
    6. How did you learn to manage your time?
    7. Do you like natural beauty? 
    8. Where do you go to enjoy nature?
    9. How do you do it?
    10. Do you like to watch TV?
    11. How often do you do it?
    12. What programs do you usually watch?
    13. Do you think children are addicted to TV these days?
    14. Do you think your way of work or work culture will change in future?
    15. What is your favourite colour? Why?
    16. What do you think about wearing bright colours?
    17. What is the best colour to paint house walls? Why?
    18. Is the colour of a car important to you?
    19. Do you prefer comfortable or fashionable shoes? Why? 
    20. Did you ever buy shoes in online stores?
    21. What facilities are there near your place?
    22. Do you prefer going to small shops or big supermarkets?
    23. Are there shops that you don’t like to go to? Why?
    24. Do you enjoy doing household chores?
    25. How can we reduce the negative part of it?
    26. Would you like to have all chores done by special appliances?
    27. What is your favorite color?
    28. Did you wear bright clothes when you were a teenager?
    29. Do you have any preference for the color of your car?
    30. Do you like watching the sky?
    31. Do you prefer to do it during the day or at night?
    32. How do you usually watch it?
    33. Do you like to visit nature places?
    34. What is the best way to learn about the nature?
    35. What kind of clothes do you like to wear?
    36. Are there many clothing shops in your area? 
    37. What clothes do you wear for different situations? Why?
    38. What color do you like the most in clothes?
    39. Do you like reading books?
    40. What type of books do you read?
    41. Are you reading a book presently?
    42. Would you like to write a book in the future?
    43. Do you remember a useful advice somebody gave you? 
    44. Was it a family member or a friend?
    45. Who do you think is better at giving a person advice? Why? 
    46. What personality does somebody need to help or give a good advice? 
    47. What did you enjoy doing as a child?
    48. What did you usually do during your free time as a child?
    49. Have you had a hobby as a child?
    50. Do you think there is a difference between children’s activities and hobbies today compared to the past?
    51. What is the main difference in your opinion? 
    52. Do you use a train to travel?
    53. Are there trains in your country?
    54. Tell me about any unusual train journey that you had. 
    55. Are there any underground trains in your country?
    56. How important is the time considered in your country? 
    57. Do you like to be punctual? 
    58. Why do you like to be on time?
    59. What kind of books are usually read in your country? 
    60. Do only older people read books in your country? 
    61. Why are certain books more suitable for elderly people?
    62. What kind of books do you like to read? 
    63. Does younger generation in your country continue reading books? 
    64. Do younger people read different books compared to older people?
    65. Do you think there are fewer people who read books?
    66. Why are books important in primary, secondary schools or in universities?
    67.  What do you prefer, reading books or watching TV?
    68. Lets talk about Teachers at your high school Do you remember anyone? Why they are special to you? Do you still keep in touch with them?
    69. Do you think time management is important? - How do you manage your time? - Where did you learn it?
    70. Do you see the sky from your home? - Which season do you like? Why? - Do you think the weather has any effect on traveling?
    71. Do you check the weather forecast daily? - Do you use the Internet to check it, or watch it on TV?
    72. Do you think time management is important? - How do you manage your time? - Where did you learn it?
    73. Are there a lot of trees near your home? - Do you like trees? - What is the importance of trees? - Have you ever planted one?
    74. Are there a lot of trees near your home? - Do you like trees? - What is the importance of trees? - Have you ever planted one?
    75. Have you ever been to a museum? - What do you like about museums? - Do you prefer to go to a museum alone or with friends? - Would you like to work in a museum?
    76. Do you like to write letters or emails? - To whom do you usually write? - On what occasions do you do it? - Do you prefer to receive a phone call or a letter? Why? - What type of letter is the most difficult for you?
    77. Let’s talk about sleep. - How many hours of sleep do you need?
    78. Did you sleep more or less hours when you were young? - Is it necessary to have a nap after lunch? Why?
    79. What kinds of things are collected by people in your country? - What is the reason for collecting such items?
    80. Is reading books important before going to sleep? - What is the best time for reading? Why? - What is the best place for reading? - What do you like to read? Why?
    81. Do you watch the news? - What is the significance of reading the news? - How do you prefer to get the news? - Why do you listen to the news? - Do you think that the youth are less interested in the news than older people?
    82. What significance do birthday celebrations have in your country? - Do you celebrate your birthdays? - How did you celebrate your birthdays when you were young? - What is the significance of birthdays in one’s life? - Why is it important to you?
    83. Describe your high school. - What was your favourite subject? - Why did you like it? - Were there lessons in your favourite subject that you disliked? Why?
    84. Do you enjoy taking photos? - Do you think it is important to be a good photographer? - Do you enjoy learning history? - Do you like to watch historical films? - Which period of history do you like in particular?
    85. Are there a lot of bicycle riders in your city? - Is it popular to ride a bicycle in your country? - Do you have a bicycle? - How often do you go for a walk? - Do you think people will walk more or less in the future?
    86. How many languages do you speak? - How many years did you study English? Why? - Where did you study it?
    87. Let’s talk about a place that you are living in now. - What don’t you like about this place? - Do you think that you will be living in this city for the next few years? Why? - Did you have any pets in your life? Why? Why do people buy pets? - What wild animal do you like? Why?
    88. How do people express politeness in your country? - Who taught you politeness?
    89. Do you like to party?
    90. Do you prefer to party with family or friends? - Who enjoys a party more, young or older people, in your view? Why are movie actors/actresses popular? - Do you think they are paid well? - Are you a punctual person? 
    91. How do people regard time in your culture?
    92. How do you feel when you are running late? Do you like plants? Why? - If somebody gave you a plant as a gift, how would you feel about it?
    93. Do you know how to look after plants?
    Anwser below and Let me check your answers.

    IELTS Speaking Questions & Best Answers IELTS Speaking Questions & Best Answers Reviewed by sdfdr on March 01, 2018 Rating: 5

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