Describe an interesting conversation with someone you didn't know - Part 2 IELTS Speaking

Describe an interesting conversation with someone you didn't know - Part 2 IELTS Speaking

Describe an interesting conversation with someone you didn't know.

  1. When this happened
  2. Who you were talking to
  3. What you talked about
  4. Why did you find this conversation interesting
Man is a social animal and conversations are a part of life. I’ve had many conversations in my life, but here I would like to talk about a conversation, which I found very interesting and it was a stranger. It so happened, that about three months ago I boarded a bus for Ludhiana to see my uncle and aunt, who live there. The bus started and when the conductor came near my seat, I opened my bag to take out money for the ticket. To my shock, I had forgotten to put my wallet in my bag, as I had changed my bag. I was very nervous and was thinking what to do when an elderly person sitting next to me offered to pay for my ticket. It was not a huge amount, so I accepted and in this way he saved me from an embarrassing situation. I started chatting with him. He was a retired army officer. To my surprise, he turned out to be from my hometown. He told me many stories about his army life. He told me that army life is very disciplined. After retirement, he got the job of a security officer in a bank in Ludhiana. He commuted daily from Phagwara for his job. He has two daughters and both of them were studying in Canada after their senior secondary education. He told me that they took the IELTS and got a good band score and then got admission in Humber College Canada. I found all that conversation very interesting. The one hour journey to Ludhiana seemed to pass in a few minutes. He motivated me to take the IELTS and study abroad. He told me that his daughters were doing very well in studies and were also doing part-time jobs. I requested him to come to my home and motivate my parents to send me abroad for higher education. He visited us with his wife, the very next weekend and had a long chat with my parents. He succeeded in convincing them. Today, I am taking the IELTS because of him.

Follow Up Questions of Describe an interesting conversation with someone you didn't know

1. How do friends communicate with each other?
Friends communicate with each other in many ways. They communicate face to face,
through phone and also through the Internet.

2. What’s the difference between having a conversation with a man and having a
conversation with a woman?
There are no gender differences nowadays. Both, men and women, can talk equally well
on any topic they are interested in, be it sports, or politics, or fashion.

3. Do you think women like to chat more than men?
I don’t think so. Gender has nothing to do with the preference of chatting. It is a matter
of individual choice.

4. When men chat with other men do they usually talk about the same things that women
do when they chat with other women?
The topic of conversation among men or women is a matter of individual taste. Mostly
men talk about sports, business, and politics. Whereas women talk about fashion and
family matters. But then individual variations are always there.

5. What is the difference between chatting and gossiping?
Chatting is a general talk on various topics, whereas gossiping is talking about other
people behind their back. Chatting has a positive connotation, whereas gossiping has a
negative connotation.

6. Who do you prefer chatting with - your parents or your friends?
I prefer both equally. I talk to my parents about my day to day’s happenings, whereas I
discuss studies, sports, and movies etc. with friends.

7. Do most people have just a small number of friends or many friends?
It is very difficult to generalize. Some people have few friends and some like to have a
lot of friends. Mostly, face to face friendship is limited to a few close friends, but people
have a huge network of online friends these days on Facebook or Whatsapp.

8. How do most people make new friends in your country?
Most people make new friends in schools and colleges, while attending family functions
or other social functions or while traveling in public transport.

9. Do you think people’s abilities or intelligence is a factor when people become friends?
Yes, definitely, when people make new friends, they look for the person’s abilities. Small
children, however, have innocent friendships. They do not look into any such qualities.

10. What qualities do you think a good friend should have?
A good friend should be reliable. You should be able to open your heart’s innermost
secrets with him without having the tension that he will disclose them to anyone.
Secondly, a good friend should be intelligent. He should be able to guide you from time
to time. He should have a good sense of humor. He should be able to turn any tense
situation into a happy one.

11. Do you think it’s possible to determine how sincere a person is the first time you meet
No, it is not possible to do so. Appearances can be very deceptive. So, we should think
twice before trusting a complete stranger.

Describe an interesting conversation with someone you didn't know - Part 2 IELTS Speaking Describe an interesting conversation with someone you didn't know - Part 2 IELTS Speaking Reviewed by Unknown on November 12, 2017 Rating: 5