The Story of Erasmus+ Youth Pass - I

Chill. The plane did not crash. All passengers reached their destination and spent a fulfilling week. Now it's time to leave.

This is Elli. She is Estonian and now she promises to German Stefan, that it is not over yet. Lets keep in touch!

Don't panic! It is just snow. Elli is back in Estonia - in her homeland. Elli is carried away.

Elli took part in an youth project, which got funded by the Youth in Action programme of the European Union. The groups from different countries came together to have a project, because they were interested in environment.

They explored the topic of ecological footprint and developed possible solutions about what they can do personally.

Believe me, it was exciting! We had fun and we got smarter, a lot! To explore the nature and human effects on it we were also hiking on the mountains. In every workshop we also had intercultural topic or activity for thoughts. We also shared our traditional food. And all this lead us into great conversations and we noticed our similarities and differences.

We talked with each other about what we learned what we heard, what we saw, what we explored and what we noticed. We wrote and draw our ideas into our personal diaries what will later help us look back.

I am happy that our group-leader introduced us Youthpass already in the beginning of our youth exchange. So we got to know that there is a tool to systemize our achievements.

When do you finish that nonsense?

Hey! I am finilizing my Youthpass! And getting to know your strengths and development is not nonsense!

But why do you need an youthpass?

By doing it I will find right words to explain what I know now more and can do better than before. Plus I can show the Youthpass to employers when I am looking for a job.

And you know it is not just filling the gaps and writing a certificate at the end of the project.

At first Elli defined her personal goals for learning and now she looks back and analyzes how many kicks she got in!

It sounds like a football! How many goals did you get?

I got 5 personal goals.

    1. To learn more about global warming.
    2. To get some experience of other cultures.
    3. Unexpectedly I learned some phrases in German.
    4. To learn how to make toys out of cans, but I missed that one, because I chose another workshop.
    5. To develop some new skills by experiencing computer programs what I did not worked with before.

In our group we also had some collective goals.

This project-based learning sounds like fun!

Thanks! Yes! We already planning a new project!

Count me in!

Why not! Next month you are old enough to join us.
The Story of Erasmus+ Youth Pass - I The Story of Erasmus+ Youth Pass - I Reviewed by sdfdr on March 21, 2018 Rating: 5

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