Make Impact with Youth Exchanges

Throughout the project, you will find that you have a number of important relationships to manage. These will include: your exchange partner groups; your own organisation; your local community; the families and friends of the participants; the general public; the agency providing the funding; local businesses and the media.

Your project should make an impact, not only on the participants directly involved in the project, but also beyond that.

Developing a relationship with the participants’ parents and families is important, in order to establish mutual trust. If your group involves under-aged participants, you may need to have a parental consent form, which should include information on participants’ health matters or special needs.

Perhaps parents can help out with fundraising or organising transportation or hosting participants in their homes for a few days. Families also need to know what is required of them and how to prepare for such an experience. If your group involves minors, it is best to organise a pre-departure meeting with the group, including parents or guardians.

Co-operation with the local community is another way of making an impact. Depending on the exchange theme chosen by the group, there may be a need to undertake some research into the subject. Why not interview people from the local community in the preparation phase or during the exchange project?

With your group, you can also explore what kind of social activities are available in
your locality, especially linked to the theme of your exchange. If there is nothing going on, then your exchange could offer an activity that your community can participate in.

Co-funding is another area where you might partner with a local community. Consider that local businesses might offer sponsorship. Work with them, highlighting the publicity they could get.

You can reach the public with a good communications and public relations strategy. Issue a press release to local newspapers or radio stations before the exchange starts, or during an event that is open to the public. Is there a local ‘celebrity’ who could launch the exchange activity and attract publicity?

A good poster campaign could draw attention to your project. Use social networks to disseminate messages about your exchange activities.

Prepare media products during the exchange (e.g. photos, videos, printed materials, other) to highlight the exchange results and disseminate them during the follow-up phase once the groups are back home.

Making your project visible can result in great support from your local community. Make waves with your youth exchange!

Make Impact with Youth Exchanges Make Impact with Youth Exchanges Reviewed by sdfdr on March 20, 2018 Rating: 5

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