Create a Youth Exchange Program

Those who have experience of youth exchanges have repeatedly emphasised that the preparatory phase is the key to the success of the project. This advice counts equally to working with partners.

In choosing your partners, you should already have identified some clear links between your group and theirs. To really bring your ideas to life and to keep the momentum for your planning moving forwards, you need to quickly start getting to know your partner groups:

  • Be clear about the joint aims and objectives of the exchange – are you thinking along the same lines?
  • Talk through the exchange theme – are all partners clear about the theme of the project?
  • What time of year is best for the exchange? You need to agree dates
  • Who will host the first part of the exchange and when will the second part happen? A decision needs to be made in co-operation with your partners
  • How many participants and leaders will be involved, what is the age range, male and female breakdown?  You should have equal numbers

With your partners, you should be able to communicate in a common language and you should ensure that communication exists at as many levels as possible. To achieve this:

  • Agree on a timetable for regular communication with your partners
  • Allow time, during your group meeting, for an update on communication with your partner groups
  • Ensure that there is a regular exchange of relevant information about your project
  • Agree what method of communication will be used e.g. email communication, on-line chats and calls, space to store your project documents, communication via social networks. Many of these tools are often free of charge!
  • Divide tasks and responsibilities with your partner groups to ensure an equal contribution to the exchange activities
  • Discuss necessary preparation activities before the groups meet
  • Share any ideas of how to disseminate the exchange results during the follow-up phase to broaden the exchange’s impact on local communities

Strong partnership is an essential ingredient for a successful international youth exchange experience!
Create a Youth Exchange Program Create a Youth Exchange Program Reviewed by sdfdr on March 20, 2018 Rating: 5

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