How to write a good project using smarter goals - Erasmus+

Hi, this is Erasmus+, as you know the first deadline of the Erasmus+ program is approaching. If you want to write a good project you should learn to write smarter goals.

First of all, let’s see what SMARTER means. It stands for:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time bound
  • Evaluate
  • Re-evaluate

So to sum it up all smarter goals have these 7 attributes, smarter goals can be easily managed and provide a clear route to success. But how do you write a smarter goal?

First let’s look at a poorly written goal: “We will teach young people how to become entrepreneurs”. There are several problems with this goal. It is not specific enough, it does not say when it will happen and how many young people are involved or how we are going to do it. With this goal I don’t know what to measure and when to expect my results.

And now let’s look at a well written goal: “Using non-formal education methods we are going to develop entrepreneurial competences in 30 youngsters from Spain, Italy, UK, France and Germany during five workshops in May and June 2014” This goal is very specific, it is measurable, I either will or not teach 30 young people entrepreneurial competences. It is realistic and it is time bound stating that the workshop will take place in May and June 2014.

When writing smarter goals you should avoid these words:

  • By
  • Try
  • Should
  • Could
  • Shortly
  • By the end of the year

Remember smarter goals say what you are going to do, when and how you are going to do it.

  • When in doubt, these questions will help you write a smarter goal.
  • Who is involved in my project?
  • Do I have a team that supports me until the end of the project?
  • Where will my project take place?
  • Why am I doing this? What should I accomplish?
  • What are my specific reasons, purpose or benefits of achieving the goal?
  • Can I measure my results? If yes, with what?
  • Is it clear? Can a friend understand it?
  • What evidence will I have to “I’ve achieved my goal”?
  • Do I have the necessary resources to achieve my goals?

For the project to be more relevant make sure your theme is consistent with the objectives and priorities of the programme, also don’t forget about the national priorities, you will get more points is your application is well linked to them.

The objective are

  • To improve the level of key competences
  • To foster innovation in education
  • To promote European lifelong learning
  • To enhance the international dimension of education and training
  • To improve the teaching and learning of languages

The priorities are

  • To develop basic and transversal skills
  • To enhance information and communication technologies up taken by teaching and learning
  • To promote a stronger coherence between different EU and national transparency in recognition tools
  • To promote sustainable development in European education

Also it will be a good idea to use the new dimensions of the programme when you will apply on the first deadline, as always with new things the competition will be lower until people understand how they work.

You can write more project on sports, you can benefit from scholarships and loans? You can profit from more projects with partners outside of Europe. There are several new tools for finding partners for sport or lifelong learning projects and there is a larger budget for advocacy projects.
How to write a good project using smarter goals - Erasmus+ How to write a good project using smarter goals - Erasmus+ Reviewed by sdfdr on March 20, 2018 Rating: 5

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