The story of Erasmus+ Youthpass - II

In a previous episode Elli has been in an youth exchange. At the end of the project she started to fill the Youthpass certificate.

Yes and let's go on! Where were we?

You said something about competencies?

Yes. The summary of the learning outcomes is categorized along eight European key competences of lifelong learning.

  1. Communication in mother tongue.
  2. Communication in foreign languages.
  3. Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology.
  4. Digital competence.
  5. Learning to learn.
  6. Social and civic competences.
  7. Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship.
  8. Cultural awareness and expression.

These are 8 key competences.

Competence is defined here as a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes. You can open and go through these doors not just once, but again and again. Everytime there is something new to learn. Something different to reach behind it. Analyzing your project experience with somebody else gives you a good overview.

You don't have to mark down all 8 key competencies just be honest! For example, Elli did not improve her mathematical competence, she wasn't the one who is responsible for calculating the budget. But she got much better in her digital competence.

She was the one who took care of putting together the booklet on the ecological footprint of Estonia. She had to use computer program she wasn't familiar with. This challenged her and she evolved her computer skills.

By looking into the project diary, recalling her experiences and different activities she also analyzed other learning achievements.

This is Elli's Youthpass from her youth exchange, but you can get it from other projects of the Youth in Action programme as well. Stefan is planning to do European voluntary service and he will get one more Youthpass! Tina could get one from participating in a training course.

Youthpass is not an end, but a step in lifelong learning.
The story of Erasmus+ Youthpass - II The story of Erasmus+ Youthpass - II Reviewed by sdfdr on March 21, 2018 Rating: 5

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