Learn the Rules of KA3 Structured Dialogue projects for Erasmus+

This action promotes the active participation of young people in democratic life and fosters debate around the important topics of European youth policy. Projects supported by this action normally have three phases:

  1. Planning and preparation;
  2. Implementation of the activities;
  3. Evaluation, which includes reflection on a possible follow-up.

Projects may last from 3 to 24 months. Project starting dates dictate the application deadline - the final date by which the application form for funding must be submitted. In 2016 there were 3 deadlines to submit application forms:

Apply by the 4th of February for projects starting between May and September of the same year.
Then you can apply by the 30th of April for projects starting between August and December of the same year. And the last chance to apply is by the 1st of October for projects starting between January and May of the following year.

At the end of each year, the European Commission announces specific dates for the application deadlines for the following year, so we recommend you consult your National Agency of Erasmus plus Programme to find out about those dates.

If the project is international, then the activity must involve at least two participating organisations from at least two different countries, of which at least one is a Programme Country. National meetings should involve at least one organisation from a Programme Country. A participating organisation can be: a non-profit organisation, an association, an NGO, European Youth NGO or public body at local or regional level.

There are certain eligibility criteria for participants wanting to attend such meetings: young people should be aged between 13 and 30 and resident in one of the countries involved in the project. The project must involve a minimum of 30 young participants.

If the project foresees the participation of decision-makers or experts in the youth policy field, these participants can be involved regardless of their age or geographical place of origin.

National meetings of the project must take place in the country of the applicant organisation. International meetings may take place in any of the Programme Countries involved in the project or even at the seat of an EU institution, if dialogue with decision-makers at European level is part of the project.
Learn the Rules of KA3 Structured Dialogue projects for Erasmus+ Learn the Rules of KA3 Structured Dialogue projects for Erasmus+ Reviewed by sdfdr on March 22, 2018 Rating: 5

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