Explore examples of KA3 projects for Erasmus+

Now let’s explore practical examples of projects, implemented within Key Action 3 on Structured Dialogue. 

Project “Agorapolis 2014-2015” (Belgium - France)

The project “Agorapolis 2014 – 2015” aimed to bring a creativity lab close to the political world. Young people were encouraged to foster their sense of active citizenship by participating in the creation of their “ideal city”. The project lasted for 9 months.

The participants were set the challenge of constructing a model neighbourhood. Throughout this challenge, they were encouraged to think of solutions for real problems that affect our societies.

Models of their ideal cities were shown to policy-makers and the young people had the chance to discuss various topics with them and showcase their solutions to real-life problems.

The idea came from a cycle of projects that the organisation “Go Laïcité” has carried out over the past few years.

What makes this project a good example of KA3 Structured Dialogue is that each participating partner organization, located in different parts of Belgium and France, was in charge of creating their own neighbourhood model. In this way, each created model was focused on the local context. The methodology, based on non-formal learning, allowed young people to foster their contact with the environment they live in, directly facing and reflecting on local issues and developing a sense of critical appraisal.

Moreover, it gave them an opportunity to foster transversal competences by boosting their creativity, to build something real and concrete. Each group was followed by a trainer and local experts in urbanism and politics. During the implementation of the project, organisers saw a real interaction between young people and local authorities, which is exactly the aim of Key Action 3 Structured Dialogue projects. The youngsters were involved right from the start and demonstrated how to build their own future.

All the work was exhibited at the end of the project during an “open door” event called “RécupEre” in Namur in December 2015. During the event, policy-makers were invited to explore how young people imagine the society they want to live in and this provided an opportunity to exchange opinions and raise awareness among local citizens.

If you interested in finding out more, get in touch with the project organisers: Pierre Bodart, President of “Go Laïcité asbl”, info@golaicite.eu  or read more about the organisers on their website. 

Good practice from Germany KA3 project ‘Europe geht’s weiter’, with video https://youtu.be/G68qrjC5258 (with English subtitles)

60 young people from Zielitz to Merseburg and Dessau to Blankenburg met from 22 to 24 May 2016 at the youth event "Europe geht’s weiter" in Wernigerode. Back in March, youth groups began individual preparation by carrying out surveys and workshops on current consultations based on the Structured Dialogue of the EU Youth Strategy.

The event brought together 14-17-year-olds. It started with activities that allowed the participants to get to know each other and to explore their expectations. Then, the youth groups presented the results of their preparatory work. The topics of immigration, racism, exclusion, family and education emerged as the most important ones.

On the second day, the young people took part in various creative workshops. The focus was on exchange and the exploration of the major topics identified. Participants worked on various media products: they worked with video cameras, cut audio interviews, developed slogans, worked with body language and wrote rhymes. As a result of the day, theatre scenes, radio broadcasts, graffiti, video clips, election posters and photos on racism, exclusion, education and future opportunities were produced by the young people. These media products were later presented to an audience, and were very well received. Later that day, the young people met with members of the regional parliament and discussed political issues. 

On the third day, there was a market of opportunities, where various projects and activities were presented. In small groups, participants explored a variety of local, regional and international opportunities that existed in the region of Saxony-Anhalt. Afterwards, participants had an evaluation session of the event.

The next phase of the project was a visit to Brussels in September 2016. The young people visited the European Parliament and met with representatives of the Region of Saxony-Anhalt to the EU in order to present their own work results and discuss important matters with decision-makers.

The full article with more media products is available in German at http://www.lkj-sachsen-anhalt.de/?p=7701
Explore examples of KA3 projects for Erasmus+ Explore examples of KA3 projects for Erasmus+ Reviewed by sdfdr on March 23, 2018 Rating: 5

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