Apply for Erasmus+ Youth Funding

This session is about the process of submitting your KA3 Structured Dialogue project proposal application to receive funding from the Erasmus+ programme.

After finding partners for your project, and going through a participatory process together to develop the project, and agree on a common vision of how it should look and what it should achieve, you are ready to fill in the application form and submit the project proposal to your National Agency (NA). If you are from one of the Erasmus+ programme countries, your National Agency is based in your country. The applicant partner should apply to their country’s NA. A full list of addresses and contact details can be found here. Contact your NA and find out which languages you can apply in in your country.

Application form

Make sure you are using the latest version of Adobe Reader and the latest version of the application form. Every National Agency has a section on their website where you can download the application forms for each specific Key Action, including all the extra documents that need to be attached to the project proposal.  Be aware that application forms are updated before each deadline.  Therefore, once you open up the application form, the next deadline should be marked on the first page.

Most of the important fields of the application form for Key Action 3 are the same as for Key Action 1. Therefore, we advise you to complete Module 6  in order to find out more about how to fill in each part of the application form.

Your project proposal should match all eligibility and quality criteria set up for the Key Action 3 Structured Dialogue projects. Some of them are covered throughout this module and all of them can be found and are explained in the Erasmus+ Programme guide . We also recommend reading through the Guidelines for Experts on Quality Assessment, focusing on Key Actions. There, you can find out how the Experts are expected to assess the quality of your project, and what the criteria and indicators for assessment are.

Before submission, you can send your project proposal to your partners or colleagues to review the entire proposal and provide feedback on whether the project is described in a clear and comprehensive manner and whether it properly reflects the agreed goals and actions.


Travel costs. You can get support for travel costs to international activities. The contribution of Erasmus+ Youth in Action is based on the travel distance per participant from the place of origin to the venue of the activity. Travel distances must be calculated using the distance calculator supported by the European Commission.

Organisational support. Project beneficiaries can get support not only for travel, but also for other organisational expenses related to the activity. The amount for organisational costs depends on the duration of the activity  and the number of participants. You should check the specific amounts per participant per day for the country where the activity is taking place. Organisational support is usually spent on board, lodging, room rental, local transport, materials, etc.
Please check the most recent financial rules for Key Action 3 projects, for specific information on the exact rates for travel costs and organisational support.

The other two categories, “special needs support” and “exceptional costs”, are not limited to specific pre-defined unit costs. The applicant should identify clearly on the application form what the foreseen expenses are and how they are related to the activities identified in the project application.
Special needs support means additional costs, directly related to participants with disabilities and those accompanying them. These costs can be for travel, board and lodging, if there is not enough support for them from the “travel costs” and “organisational support” budgets. If necessary, the expenses of the accompanying people can be covered as well.

The category of “exceptional costs” relates to a range of important activities of Key Action 3 projects:
  • Costs connected to (online) consultations and opinion polls of young people, if such activities are foreseen. 
  • Costs connected to dissemination and exploitation of results. Note that visibility costs are not covered through this budget category. 
  • Costs to support the participation of young people with fewer opportunities on equal terms as others, excluding costs for travel and organisational support for participants and those accompanying them, which have already been claimed through another budget category. 
  • Other costs directly related to participants with fewer opportunities. Visa and visa-related costs, residence permits, vaccinations.
  • Costs for providing a financial guarantee, if the National Agency asks for it.

Please always check the latest version of the programme guide before applying and double check all the financial rules and specific amounts for Key Action 3 activities.

Apply for Erasmus+ Youth Funding Apply for Erasmus+ Youth Funding Reviewed by sdfdr on March 23, 2018 Rating: 5

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