Discover What Erasmus+ is?

Erasmus+ is the European Union programme in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for the period from 2014 to 2020. The programme aims to make a positive change in Europe by offering learning and cooperation opportunities. People and organisations from the European Union and other partner countries can take part in variety of activities funded by Erasmus+.

One part of Erasmus+ is dedicated to youth field, supporting projects focusing on non-formal education, youth policy and other youth related matters. Meaning that it concerns a wide variety of educational organisations outside the formal school programme. Young people aged 13-30 and adults supporting their learning can use the support of Erasmus+ Youth. It’s expected that more than 500 000 young people will benefit from this programme!

Funding for youth activities under Erasmus+ aims to improve different competences and improve the employability of young people, promote young people's social inclusion and well-being, and foster improvements in youth work and youth policy at local, national and international level. One billion six hundred millions Euros is allocated to support projects within the Youth field of Erasmus+ programme over the 7 years.


The Erasmus+ programme is structured in three key actions:

  1. Key action 1 is the learning mobility opportunities for individuals: both young people and youth workers.
  2. Key action 2 focuses on strategic partnerships, aiming at innovation and quality and strengthening cooperation among different sectors and actors (private, public, non-governmental and others) in the field of youth work.
  3. Key action 3 offers opportunities for young people to influence policy making and reforms by entering into dialogue with policy makers.

There are number of great possibilities under each Key action. This MOOC will focus on the possibilities under Key action 1.
Discover What Erasmus+ is? Discover What Erasmus+ is? Reviewed by sdfdr on March 15, 2018 Rating: 5

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