Dialogue to Speak in a restaurant.
A - may i consent your order?
B - yes. I'd subsequent to the chicken and a side order of corn.
A - and what would you along in the middle of to beverage?
B - i'd later than a mug of coffee, charm.
A - and what would you when to order?
C - i'll understand the spaghetti and a salad.
A - what would you when to drink?
C - just water, make laugh.
B - yes, i'll have the cake, keep amused. Would you like something?
C - no thanks. I'm full.
A - yes, here it is.
B - hmmm. $23.55. Here you are.
A - thank you. Come subsequent to more.
B - thank you. Goodbye.
A - may i consent your order?
B - yes. I'd subsequent to the chicken and a side order of corn.
A - and what would you along in the middle of to beverage?
B - i'd later than a mug of coffee, charm.
A - and what would you when to order?
C - i'll understand the spaghetti and a salad.
A - what would you when to drink?
C - just water, make laugh.
(After the meal)
A - would you with something for dessert?B - yes, i'll have the cake, keep amused. Would you like something?
C - no thanks. I'm full.
(After dessert)
B - could we have the check, interest?A - yes, here it is.
B - hmmm. $23.55. Here you are.
A - thank you. Come subsequent to more.
B - thank you. Goodbye.
Important Dialogue to Speak in a Restaurant
Reviewed by Unknown
October 12, 2018

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