Qualities of Erasmus+ Youth in Action Program

Whenever you develop an Erasmus+ project, there are several things that need to be part of the way you work. Projects need certain quality criteria on different levels and at different moments. These points are here to guide you, and are not intended to get in the way of your work.

Project is participatory

    1. This means that everyone involved in the project should have their say at all times and about all aspects of the project, depending on their role and position.
    2. This starts from the very origins of the project, right up until the final evaluation.
    3. When working with young people, it is very important that they come up, or at least have a say in, what the project is going to be about, who it is for, what form it will take, and what the aim is.
    4. This will help motivate the participants and make the project more relevant.
    5. Participation also means using the group as a  learning resource: each individual has experiences and competences to share with others, so we need to make that happen.
    6. The same goes for partners. They need to be involved in planning, organising and evaluating the project and also contribute to its content.


Project is a project with stages, not a stand-alone activity
Here we get into project management 1.0. An Erasmus+ project is never an activity that stands alone. It needs to be part of the daily work of an organisation. It needs to contribute to the overall aims and objectives of the organisation. So you wouldn't do a youth exchange just for the sake of it, but rather to help your young people connect or continue to take responsibility within your organisation. The project should fit with other activities or opens new doors but there should always be a preparation stage and follow up locally!

Project is educational 
There needs to be learning planned into the project, making it educational.
During all projects, it is important that there are moments where participants have the time and the help to reflect on their learning and think about how this learning can be useful to them.

Project is useful for and beyond the group of participants
All Erasmus+ projects focus on their participants which is as it should be.
But when carrying out the project it is also important to think about how the results and outcomes can be made public. You need to think about how the outcomes can be useful, educational and relevant to other people, organisations and contexts and how those organisations can share this information in their local contexts.

Project is fun, challenging and innovative
Learning isn’t boring! People learn best when they understand the importance of what they are learning. By using the “learning by doing” approach and other participative non-formal learning activities we want people to engage in their own learning. The cooperative approach will hopefully help them to enjoy and take responsibility for their own learning and for that of the others.
Innovative approaches can be part of different aspects of the project, learning about new things, learning in new ways, working with people from different cultures and backgrounds…

And always bare in mind that an Erasmus+ project is not:

  1. A touristic visit.
  2. Fun with friends.
  3. A language course.
  4. A holiday.
  5. A school or workplace internship.
Qualities of Erasmus+ Youth in Action Program Qualities of Erasmus+ Youth in Action Program Reviewed by sdfdr on March 18, 2018 Rating: 5

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