Some useful Vocabulary and Synonyms

Hello guys! Today we will learn some important vocabulary words for task-1.These will really help you to score good band in the task. So let's start now: There are words and phrases which help to describe trends. 


An increase, a boom, a growth, a rise, a surge, to go up, to double, to reach, at peak, to grow, to climb, to skyrocket. To decrease, to fall, to decline, to dip, to drop, to reduce, a slump, to plunge No change, steady, constant, remain stable, to hold, maintain the same level, to level off. A fluctuation- to fluctuate, a variation- to vary A plateau, a period of stability. 


To hit the highest point, to hit the lowest point, to show an upward trend, to show a downward trend, to reach a peak, to show some fluctuation, to fluctuate widely, to remain stable, to remain static, to remain constant, to remain unchanged, to stay constant, to level off, to reach a plateau, to flatten out, the highest, the lowest, the second highest, the fourth highest,compared to, relative to, compared with. 


Sharp, sudden, rapid, abrupt, dramatic, steep, significant, slight, moderate, considerable, marked, slight, gentle, gradual, enormous, substantial, moderate, slow, swift, minimal. 


Sharply, rapidly, suddenly, significantly, dramatically, abruptly, slightly, gently, considerably, markedly, wildly, enormously, moderately, substantially, slowly, minimally, swiftly. 


For the period, since 2010, for ten years, in 2015, between 2002-2012. 


However, otherwise, on the other hand, despite, in spite of, though, although, but, otherwise, yet, instead of, rather, whereas, nonetheless, even though, compared with, alternatively. 


In addition to, later, to begin with, similarly, likewise, besides, furthermore, also, too, firstly, initially, later, after this/that, following this/that. 


In a nutshell, in conclusion, to recapitulate, the overall view. 


Also, although, recently, as a consequence of, despite, as well as, final, in case of, now, furthermore, therefore, however, in case of, similarly, subsequently, such as, then, while, when, moreover, simultaneously, and, in addition to.

  • There are also some other useful language words which will help you:
  • To reduce the size of the group: A few, some, many, most, a little, some, much.
  • To reduce the number of times something occurs: Sometimes, frequently, often, occasionally.
  • To express doubts: Seems to, appear to, seems that, appears that.
  • To express the idea of likelihood rather than certainty: It is likely that...
  • It is probable that...
  • To say something is possible: May, might, can, could, perhaps, maybe, possibly, probably.


Here is a list of adjectives and their synonyms that are commonly used to describe people.

  1. Beautiful: Attractive, Pretty, Lovely, Stunning
  2. Fair: Just, Objective, Impartial, Unbiased
  3. Funny: Humorous, Comical, Hilarious, Hysterical
  4. Happy: Content, Joyful, Mirthful, Upbeat
  5. Hardworking: Diligent, Determined, Industrious, Enterprising
  6. Honest: Honorable, Fair, Sincere, Trustworthy
  7. Intelligent: Smart, Bright, Brilliant, Sharp
  8. Introverted: Shy, Bashful, Quiet, Withdrawn
  9. Kind: Thoughtful, Considerate, Amiable, Gracious
  10. Lazy: Idle, Lackadaisical, Lethargic, Indolent
  11. Mean: Unfriendly, Unpleasant, Bad-tempered, Difficult
  12. Outgoing: Friendly, Sociable, Warm, Extroverted
  13. Rich: Affluent, Wealthy, Well-off, Well-to-do
  14. Strong: Stable, Secure, Solid, Tough
  15. Unhappy: Sad, Depressed, Melancholy, Miserable
  16. Lucky: Auspicious, Fortunate
  17. Positive: Optimistic, Cheerful, Starry-eyed, Sanguine
  18. Bossy: Controlling, Tyrannical
  19. Here are some miscellaneous words and their synonyms:
  20. Baffle: confuse, deceive
  21. Hypocrisy: duplicity, falseness
  22. Pacify: appease, placate
  23. Recalcitrant: obstinate, stubborn
  24. Turbulent: disordered, violent
  25. Valid: authorized, legitimate
  26. Old: antiquated, ancient, obsolete, extinct, past, prehistoric, venerable, aged
  27. True: genuine, reliable, factual, accurate, precise, correct, valid, real
  28. Important: required, substantial, vital, essential, primary, significant, requisite, critical
  29. Weak: frail, anemic, feeble, infirm, languid, sluggish, puny, fragile

These are just a few examples of synonyms, You can find more in Vocabulary section from above tag or here.

Some useful Vocabulary and Synonyms Some useful Vocabulary and Synonyms Reviewed by Unknown on November 01, 2017 Rating: 5

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