Vocabulary For IELTS
This blog has more than 1500 difficult words with their meanings, explanation, and usage with example sentences to improve vocabulary and speaking, writing skill. These are unusually used in daily but common in topics of IELTS academic (Speaking, writing and reading). We call these words as difficult words IELTS vocabulary that is very valuable for students who want to enhance their speaking, writing and reading skill and score. These words are indispensable for IELTS Exam and you need to use these words in your speaking and writing test of IELTS. These words will greatly impact your IELTS Score. You will be able to impress your examiner with these words in writing and speaking test.
IELTS Difficult Words Meanings
These difficult words are divided into four parts for easy use so one by one you can learn and use these easily. All the parts can be found from below of every post so you can visit easily where you want to go between the parts.
The enjoyment of spending time with other people, e.g. I missed the
companionship of others
To make someone more likely to do something, to make something more
likely to happen.
The state of being lonely
To try to find reason to explain your behavior, decisions etc. e.g.
She rationalized the expense by saying that the costly carpet she had bought
would last longer than a cheaper one.
A personal set of standard for good/bad behavior and character, e.g.
They argued for a new morality based on self-sacrifice and honesty.
Concrete jungle
An ugly grey area of a city where people live in closely crowded
apartment buildings & there’s little space and no trees or grass.
Limited, especially by official rules, laws, etc. (Building in this
area of town is restricted)
Impulsive action
Showing behavior in which you do things suddenly without any planning
& effects they may have. (Don’t be so impulsive, think before you act).
An animal like a large monkey which has no tail & uses its arms
to swing through trees. (Chimpanzees & gorillas are apes).
To move very fast, especially in what seems a dangerous way? (The
truck came hurtling towards us).
To do something illegal or something that is considered wrong. (he
was sent to prison for a crime that he didn’t commit)
To cause something, especially a problem or difficulty (Nuclear
weapons pose a threat to everyone.)
To imagine or except that something will happen, sometimes taking
action in preparation for it happening. (We don’t anticipating any trouble).
(We had one or two difficulties along the way that we didn’t anticipate).
Something difficult needing a lot of skill, strength, bravery etc. to
achieve it. (The Eiffel tower is remarkable feat of engineering).
A strong wish especially one which is difficult or impossible to
control. (The two of them seem unable to control their sexual urge)
To collect a large number of things over a long period of time. (As
people accumulate more wealth, they tend to spend a greater proportion of
their incomes).
Causing a lot of damage or destruction. (If the bomb had exploded in
the main shopping area, it would have been devastating).
Not real, based on illusion. (Their hopes of a peaceful solution
turned out to be illusory).
In the state of not being awake, an unconscious thought or feeling in
one that you do not know you have e.g. My unconscious desire to impress him.
The young of particular animal (A seal pup, a parrot pup).
The bones of the head, which surround the brain & give the head
its shape. (The soldiers discovered a pile of human skulls and bones).
IELTS Difficult Words and Vocabulary Part 3
Reviewed by Unknown
August 31, 2017

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