How to wish someone 'Happy Birthday' on WhatsApp
1. Hey, wish you a very happy birthday. Hope you have a great day.
(آپ کو سالگرہ کی بہت بہت مبارکباد- امید کرتا ہوں کی آپکا دن عمدہ گزرے )
2. Happy Birthday - may you have a wonderful year, and may all your wishes come true!
(سالگرہ مبارک- امید ہے آپ کا سال اچھا رہے اور آپ کی سب خواہشات پورے ہوں)
3. May God fill your day with sunshine and laughter. Have a great birthday. Happy Birthday!
(الله کرے آپ کا دن روشی اور ہنسی سے بھر دے، آپ کے سالگرہ کا دن اچھا گزرے- سالگرہ کی مبارکبادی)
4. Happy Birthday to my fabulous friend! May you have a wonderful day, and a great year ahead.
(میرے عزیز دوست کو سالگرہ مبارک، امید ہے کی آپکا دن اور آنے والے سال اچھے گزریں )
5. Many happy returns of the day. May you have a prosperous year.
(دن کی بہت بہت مبارکبادی، امید ہے آپ کا سال خوش حال رہے)
6. Millions of wishes, hundreds of smiles, lots of love, and thousands of greetings. Wish you a very Happy Birthday.
(لاکھوں نیک خواہشات، سیکڑوں مسکراہٹیں، بہت زیادہ پیار، اور ہزاروں مبارکبادیاں- سالگرہ بہت بہت مبارک ہو)
If you forget someone's birthday:
1. Belated Happy Birthday. I am really sorry that I missed wishing you yesterday, but my good wishes and thoughts are always with you.
( سالگرہ کی تاخیری مبارکبادی - میں معافی چاہتا ہوں کی میں آپکی سالگرہ کی مبارکبادی دینا بھول گیا کل -میری نیک خواہشات آپکے ساتھ ہے)
2. Belated Happy Birthday! Even though I missed your birthday by a mile, I hope you celebrated it with the smile.
(سالگرہ کی تاخیر مبارکبادی، اگرچے میں آپکی سالگرہ بھول گیا، امید ہے کی آپ نے مسکراتے ہوئے منایا ہوگا)
5 biggest news headlines of the week and words from them:
1. Pakistan blast: PM Nawaz Sharif condemns Lahore attack
Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif condemned the suicide attack which killed at least six people, including four soldiers and injured over 18 in Lahore's Biden road.
a. Condemn: Criticize strongly
(زبردست تنقید کرنا)
2. Pakistan, Germany agree to boost bilateral ties
Finance Minister Ishaq Dar held a meeting with the visiting German Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Dr. Gerd Muller and both the parties agreed to boost bilateral ties.
a. Boost: To increase
b. Bilateral: Involving two parties, especially countries
(دو فریقوں، بالخصوص ملکوں، کو شامل)
3. Misbah announces retirement from international cricket
Pakistan's Test skipper Misbah-ul-Haq has announced his retirement from international cricket, telling reporters that the series against West Indies would be his last.
a. Skipper: The captain of a team
(ٹیم کا کپتان)
4. Pakistan willing to resume anti-terrorism talks with India
Pakistan's Foreign Office spokesman Nafees Zakaria has said that Islamabad is willing to resume talks with India on the issue of terrorism.
a. Willing: Ready, eager, or prepared to do something
(کچھ کرنے کو تیار، آرزومند، یا آمادہ)
b. Resume: Begin again or continue after a pause or interruption
(دوبارہ شروع کرنا یا وقفہ یا مداخلت کے بعد جاری کرنا)
5. Aamir Khan's 'Dangal' won't be released in Pakistan
Pakistan Censor Board asked for two cuts in Aamir Khan's 'Dangal' involving India's National Flag and National Anthem in the film, if he wants to release it in Pakistan. But the actor said scenes are 'crucial to the spirit of the film' and won't release the film without the National Anthem.
a. Release: The action of making a product available to public
(مصنوع کو عوام کے لیے دستیاب بنانے کا عمل)
b. Crucial: Of great importance
(بہت زیادہ اہمیت کا حامل)
c. Spirit: The non-physical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character
(آدمی کا غیر جسمانی حصہ جو جذبات اور کردار کی جائے قرار ہے)
Interview Vocabulary:
1. Accomplishment = something that has been achieved successfully
2. Application = a formal request to an authority
3. Proficiency = knowledge and skill
4. Skills = Proficiency acquired through training or experience
5. Goals = things you want to accomplish
(مقاصد )
6. Aptitude = a natural talent or ability; quickness in learning
7. Appraisal = an act of assessing something or someone
8. Increment = an increase or addition, especially one of a series on a fixed scale
9. Offer letter = A job offer letter is a document provided by the employer to the employee providing an offer for a job to the employee on selection through recruitment.
(پیشکش خط)
10. Appointment letter = A letter from an organization to someone to say that they have been given a job.
(تقرری خط)
Important English To Urdu Sentences
Reviewed by Unknown
October 05, 2016

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